Hard wired intercoms
We have a full range of intercoms from the single user version on your gates at home to large apartment blocks with multiple entrances. The standard systems use audio but increasingly video is being used as the preferred way to identify visitors.
Wireless interocms fall into 2 x Categories.
The Videx GSM intercoms work with the mobile phone network. There is a SIM card installed onto the intercom, so that it can connect to the network with best signal. When a visitor arrives, the press the button on the intercom and it will dial whatever number is programmed into the SIM, normally the house. We can also set it up to divert to your mobile if there is no answer at the house. The gate can be opened by pressing 3 on the hand set if you choose to grant access.
The Dect intercoms work with digital wireless link to a cordless handset. Approx range 80m